Seb's World 3
A deep dive into everything you need to get past hump day, whatever day of the week that is for you
Here’s the next instalment of Seb’s World. I’m looking forward to guiding you through the best of what’s caught my attention out there, most of it available for free.
Double Bind
I’m using an AI to voice my Sci Fi thriller DOUBLE BIND. Check back for a new instalment each week.
Here’s Episode 1…
Boston Dynamics does Mick Jagger
Scared yet, human?
This looks over simplistic, but don’t be fooled. There’s serious research behind the Kurtzgesagt series. The most straightforward account of the pros and cons of geoengineering to save the planet that I’ve seen so far.
Top Jazz
Checking into a virtual session at Smalls Greenwich Village is always a great treat.
Here’s a great far ahead session from the Nicole Glover quartet.
Living with AI
Stuart Russell delivers four lectures on the future of artificial intelligence.
Painting of the week
It’s surprising how good Bob Dylan has become as a painter. But the evidence is there in the new exhibition of his work in Miami.
Early selected users of GPT 3 included Mario Klingemann who asked GPT 3 to generate a story about Twitter in the style of Jerome K Jerome, giving the AI only the start word ‘It’. Here’s what came back:
One Zoom
If you’re ever asked for an example of how web 2.0 has enriched our knowledge, consider this. One Zoom’s interactive Tree of Life shows on a single zoomable page how 2,235,322 species evolved from common ancestors over billions of years with 105,297 images and wikipedia links to each species. Informative, awe inspiring and beautiful at the same time.
One liners
To end, here’s a small sample from my collection…
I just found out I'm colourblind. The diagnosis came completely out of the purple.
Being twenty in the seventies was much more fun than being seventy in the twenties.
What’s so good about Switzerland? Well, its flag is a big plus.
This morning some clown opened the door for me. I thought to myself that's a nice jester.
I always meant to learn to procrastinate but I just never got around to it.
“Waiter, What’s this fly doing in my soup?” “Looks like the backstroke, Madam.”
A Freudian slip – When you say one thing and you mean a mother…
I’ve heard that talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
From my writer’s desk
I’ve completed a rewrite of my legal based crime thriller, Rediscovering Alex, and started the follow up, tentatively titled Becoming Alex. I’ve also completed a new near future sci fi crime novel Jessica 8.
That’s it, folks. The end of Seb’s Word 3. Hope you found something to stimulate and enjoy.
See you next time.